Wednesday 25 April 2007

Antigua & Volcan Pacaya

Antigua is like a larger, prettier version of Paraty in Brazil (MT you spoiled Antigua on me...). Serious amounts of backpackers and probably a little too pretty, we arrived after an overnight bus from Flores. Took us 5 hours before we got into our room in the hostel, so wasn´t exactly feeling top of the world, but they had lots of comforts we haven´t seen in a while like cappucinos & beauty salons (very important at this stage of the trip!)

Climbed a volcano an hour from Antigua called Pacaya, which was definitely the closest I have ever been to problems letting hundreds of goofy westerners up there, there have been loads of accidents.

Another chicken bus back took 3 hours cause the bus had to go at 10mph. The cyclists were beating us but it was definitely worth it.

Ended up on a big session on Saturday night in Antigua and then back to an after party with a Kiwi, Israeli and American...the music was so bad in the nightclub (nightclub = somebody´s house converted with candles). Hilarious!

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